Thursday, July 11, 2019

"Who are you wearing?"

In a church meeting this morning, the man addressing us pointed out that at big events, celebrities are frequently asked "Who are you wearing?", in reference to their expensive, flashy outfits. He then asked us the same question, "Who are you wearing?", and it's been something that stuck with me all day. Who am I wearing? 

I want to be able to say that I am "wearing" my Savior, Jesus Christ- that people are able to tell that I'm trying to follow Him & represent Him, based on the kind of person I am. At church on Sunday, my brother in law spoke to the congregation & reminded us that the Savior gave "Be Attitudes", not "Do" attitudes. Members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints are often known for things we are taught to do or not do- to dress modestly, to not drink alcohol or watch rated R movies, etc. However, as a member of Christ's church, are we also known for being like Him? While I believe that list of do's & don't's is important, because obedience is a key principle to building faith, what do they matter if we aren't actually being like Christ as we do them & as we go about our daily lives? I think if we are trying to follow the commandments but frequently judge the efforts of those around us during our attempts, we're missing the real big commandments of loving God & loving our neighbors.

The bishop, or leader of the congregation, also spoke & said that "Jesus Christ's way is the best way". I truly believe that & I've seen it in my life. I'm happiest when I'm making a conscious, consistent effort to follow Christ & be like Him. I'm going to keep asking myself, "Who am I wearing?", and adjust my thoughts & actions if I can't honestly give the answer of Jesus Christ.


I wrote the above post over a week ago, but forgot to go back & post it. Just wanted to add something that I read on M. Russell Ballard's Instagram post this morning. I loved it & I feel like it's related to not judging others....

"Women have remarkable influence. You sisters have been divinely endowed with a unique kind of discernment and strength... Each of you must come to know what the Lord wants for you individually, given the choices before you. Once you know the Lord's will, you can then move forward in faith to fulfill your individual purpose.... Is it possible for two similarly faithful women to receive such different responses to the same basic questions? Absolutely! What's right for one woman may not be right for another. That's why it is so important that we should not question each other's choices or the inspiration behind them. And we should refrain from asking hurtful and unsupportive questions. We can all be kinder and more thoughtful of the situations in which our sisters throughout the world find themselves as they seek to follow the will of our Heavenly Father in their individual lives." 💙💙💙