Monday, July 2, 2018


The past few months have been some of the hardest and most stressful months that I've ever had. That comes from a combination of different things, like work, the emotional roller coaster we're on while trying to get pregnant, and the fact that I rarely see Christopher because we have such opposite schedules. 

My trip to go back home to Georgia came at a perfect time. I was able to relax and decompress. It was so good for me to be around my family. We laughed a lot, ate a lot, played lots of games and stared at my cute niece constantly :) I read almost 2 books while I was there, which is something I love doing but haven't had much time for lately. The best part was that my niece liked snuggling against my chest while I read and would fall asleep on me like that. 

I also went on a hike with my dad, and ran a couple times near my house. (I had forgotten what it's like to exercise in humidity- gross!) Running and hiking are two of my favorite things so that helped me decompress as well.


Something that struck me while I was home was how lucky I was to grow up where I did, and to have so many amazing people that influenced me and helped me grow. Visiting my old ward (even though it's split/people have moved) was so fun, and brought back a lot of memories. I had so much gratitude for all the people I saw. The Hansens, the Crosbys, the Eldredges, the Hiltons, the Walkers, the Damianos, the Fosters, the Marzzarellas..... the list goes on and on. Seeing so many of those people that helped shape me into who I am also made me think about the people that had similar influences but who had since moved- the Josies, the Kimballs, the Sherberts, the Maddox family, the Lewis family, the Dibbs, the Garrisons.... that list goes on and on as well. I was so lucky to grow up around so many good, faithful and caring people. They inspired me to be a good person, to build my faith in Christ, to have a strong marriage, to read the Book of Mormon and other scriptures, to have trust in God's will and timing, etc. Their influence came in a variety of ways- Primary, Seminary or Sunday school teachers, Young Womens leaders, Girls Camp directors, parents of kids I babysat. I hope that in the various roles I will have at church, I can likewise help create a ward and community that can influence and inspire the youth to do good and to be good people.

To anyone that needs to get rid of stress, I highly recommend going home :) There's nothing quite like it.

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